Cove Hydroelectric Project


The Cove project is located on Hatchet Creek near its confluence with the Pit River in eastern Shasta County, California. The project consists of a 5.0 MW capacity powerhouse at the end of a 12,900 foot long penstock. Hydraulic capacity is 80 cfs and the gross head is 947 feet. No dam or weir is used to divert project water from the creek.

The turbine-generator is a vertical shaft Pelton style turbine with a synchronous generator. Transmission to a substation jointly owned with other independent power projects is via a 2.0 mile long 13.8kV transmission line.

Operation began in February 1990. Power is sold to Redwood Coast Energy Authority under a 15 year power purchase agreement. The owner is Snow Mountain Hydro LLC, in which Ida-West Energy Company owns, indirectly, a 50 percent interest. Operation and maintenance is performed by Ida-West Operating Services, Inc.

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